
Hack the Box (HTB) - Lame

Exploiting deprecated Samba version via Metasploit

Hack the Box (HTB) - Lame


We can start by running our favorite enumeration tool, AutoRecon

sudo autorecon

Initial namp

We see the following TCP ports open:

  • 21 (FTP, vsFTPd 2.3.4)
  • 22 (SSH, OpenSSH 4.7p1)
  • 139 (NetBIOS-SSN, Samba smbd 3.X -4.X)
  • 445 (NetBIOS-SSN, Samba smbd 3.0.20)
  • 3632 (Distcc, distcc v1)

FTP has anonymous login detected, let’s see what’s available.

FTP Empty

Appears to be empty, let’s check google for these Samba versions

An exploit for our Samba version 3.0.20 is published by Rapid7 as shown below

Rapid 7 Exploit

Rapid7 are the owners of Metasploit so we can easily use the module in there to exploit it. Let’s fire up MSFDB

My understanding is that this exploit takes advantage of the non-default config option username map script being enabled. The exploit manipulates the username input to include shell meta characters that allows arbitrary commands on the server

msfdb run

We’ll use multi/samba/usermap_script via and set our parameters via show options

Now we can run the exploit!

GG, we’ve rooted Lame!



  1. Initial enumeration discovered vulnerable SMB version
  2. Utilized Metasploit to compromise SMB service
  3. Gained root though SMB exploit

Vulnerabilities & Mitigation

Anonymous FTP login allowedDisable anonymous FTP login
Outdated FTP version (vsftpd 2.3.4)Update to the latest version of vsftpd
Vulnerable SMB version (3.0.20-3.0.25rc3)Update Samba to the latest version to patch the vulnerability

Remediation References

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.